Should I Rent or Sell My House?

If you’re looking at your home as an investment, you have two major options: renting or selling. Both options have merit, but which one is better? Here are the factors to weigh when determining if you should rent or sell your house:  Are You in…

Home Appraisal Tips for Sellers

A home appraisal is one of the earliest steps in the home-selling process. Most lenders require an assessment from an FHA-approved home appraiser, who will determine the perceived value of the home in question. As a seller, you’ll want to stay informed about the home-appraisal…

What is a Cash Offer?

You’ve likely heard the term ‘cash offer’ while preparing to sell your house in Virginia. It’s a common real estate term that denotes an all-cash bid on a house. Typically a cash offer will come from a real estate investor who does not need a…

Repairs and Renovations to Avoid When Selling Your Virginia House

It’s not uncommon for homeowners looking to sell their Virginia homes to drop thousands of dollars on repairs and renovations before the big day. They think that by making these “necessary” repairs and renovations, they’ll earn their money back and then some. Unfortunately, it rarely…

Renovations Worth Every Penny When Selling a Home

Your home is more than just a building. It’s your castle. You’re free to do with it as you please, including major renovations. If your plan is to eventually sell, you might not want to jump headfirst into renovations, though. Doing so could cost you…

Quick Home Sale Facts You Should Know

If you decide to choose a quick home sale company like ours instead of selling your house through a realtor or by yourself, then you probably have some reservations. That is completely understandable and that is why we have taken the time to write this…

More Reasons Why You Should Sell Your Home

If you are thinking about selling your home, then now might be the best time to start getting serious. There are dozens of reasons to sell your current home, but before you do, make sure you are packing your bags and closing up shop for…

Land Appraisals

There are many determining factors to take into account when having your land appraised. Most people don’t realize how many different things an appraiser has to consider in order to come up with that final number on your property. In this article we will go over…